Table 2. Pharmacological effects of posttreatment with mangiferin in vivo.
Animals |
Toxins |
MGF Dose |
Duration |
Molecular Results |
Ref. |
Male Wistar rats |
20 mg/kg; i.p. |
28 d |
Inflammation (TNFα)↓ |
[30] |
Male albino Wistar rats |
40 mg/kg; orally |
30 d |
Antioxidants (GSH, CAT, SOD, GPx)↑ |
[31] |
Male Swiss albino rats |
D-GalN |
5, 10, 20 and 25 mg/kg; i.p. |
14 d |
Oxidative stress (ROS) ↓ Antioxidants (GSH)↑ Inflammation (TNFα, NF-κB, IFN-γ, IL1β, IL6, IL12, IL18)↓ |
[32] |
Albino Wistar rats |
Ethanol |
50 mg/kg; orally |
8 weeks |
Antioxidants (SOD, CAT)↑ |
[33] |
Male SD rats |
0.12 g/kg; orally |
28 d |
Inflammation (NF-kB)↓ |
[34] |
SD rats |
SM |
30, 60 and 120 mg/kg |
7 d |
Antioxidants (GSH)↑ |
[35] |
Male SD rats |
300 mg/kg; orally |
13 weeks |
Antioxidants (GSH)↑ Lipid accumulation (TG, TC)↓ |
[36] |
Male golden Syrian hamsters |
150 mg/kg; orally |
8 weeks |
Lipid accumulation (TG)↓ |
[37] |
Male ZDF rats |
Water extracted from the root |
100 mg/kg; orally |
6 weeks |
Inflammation (NF-κB)↓ Lipid accumulation (TG, TC)↓ |
[38] |
Male Wistar rats |
NaAsO2 |
40 mg/kg; |
6 weeks |
Antioxidants (GSH, GSSG)↑ Oxidative stress (ROS)↓ Inflammation (TNFα)↓ Apoptosis (cytochrome c, Bax, Caspase 3, Caspase 9, Caspase 12)↓ |
[39] |
Male SD rats |
Alcohol |
50-100 mg/kg/d; i.g. |
12 weeks |
Antioxidants (SOD, GSH-PX, CAT)↑ Inflammation (NF-κB p65, NLRP3, IL-1, IL-8, IL-1β)↓ Oxidative stress (ROS, MDA)↓ |
[40] |
Male weanling Wistar rats |
Cafeteria diet |
250, 40 mg/kg |
8 d |
Inflammation (NF-κB)↓ Antioxidants (SOD)↑ Oxidative stress (MDA)↓ |
[41] |
Male Kunming mice |
15, 30, and 60 mg/kg; i.p. |
12 weeks |
Inflammation (NF-κB, JNK)↓ Lipid accumulation (TG, TC)↓ |
[42] |
Male albino rats |
50 and 100 mg/kg; orally |
15 d |
Antioxidants (GSH, SOD, CAT)↑ |
[43] |
Male BALB/c mice |
LPS and D-GalN |
5, 10 and 20 mg/kg; i.p. |
1 h |
Inflammation (IL-1β, NLRP3, TNF-α, MCP-1)↓ Oxidative stress (MDA, ROS)↓ Apoptosis (Caspase-1)↓ Nrf2↑ |
[44] |
Male SD rats |
40 mg/kg |
28 d |
Antioxidants (Catalase, SOD, GPx, GST, and GSH)↑ Oxidative stress (MDA)↓
[45] |
Wistar albino rats |
20 mg/kg; orally |
20 d |
Lipid accumulation (TG, TC)↑ Oxidative stress (MDA)↓ Antioxidants (SOD, GSH, CAT)↑ |
[46] |
Male albino mice |
Pb(NO3)2 |
100 mg/kg; orally |
6 d |
Oxidative stress (MDA, ROS)↓ Antioxidants (CAT, SOD, GST, GPX, GRD)↑ Inflammation (NF-қB)↓ Apoptosis (Bax↓, Bcl-2↑) Anti-apoptotic proteins (Bcl-2)↑ |
[47] |
Male Sprague Dawley rats |
Iron dextran |
50, 100, or 200 mg/kg; orally |
4 weeks |
Antioxidants (SOD)↑ |
[48] |
Male C57BL/6J mice |
25, 50 and 100 mg/kg/d; i.g. |
12 weeks |
Inflammation (NLRP3, NF-қB, IL-1β)↓ |
[49] |
Bax; BCL2 Associated X, Bcl-2; B-cell lymphoma 2, Caspases; Cysteine aspartases, CAT; catalase, D-GalN; D-galactosamine, GPx; glutathione peroxidase, GRD; glutathione reductase, GSH; glutathione, GSSG; Glutathione disulfide, GST; glutathione S-transferase, HFD; high-fat diet, i.g., intragastric, i.p.; intraperitoneal, IL; Interleukin, JNK; c-Jun N-terminal kinase, LPS; SM; Sulfar mustard, MCP-1; Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, MDA; malondialdehyde, NaAsO2; Sodium Arsenite, NLRP3; NLR family pyrin domain containing 3, Nrf2; Nuclear erythroid 2–related factor 2, Pb(NO3)2; Lead(II) nitrate, SD; Sprague Dawley, SOD; superoxide dismutase, STZ; Streptozotocin, TC; Total cholesterol, TG; Triglyceride, TNF; Tumor Necrosis Factor, ZDF; Zucker diabetic fatty.