Table 3. Carcass characteristics and organ weights of different broiler strains after 42 days trial.
Attributes |
Parameter |
Cobb 500 |
Ross |
IR |
EP |
p-value |
Carcass traits |
Live wt (g) |
2820.67a±49.18 |
2623.00b±59.57 |
2475.33b±69.68 |
2137.33c±40.34 |
<0.001 |
Carcass wt (g) |
1688.67a±8.51 |
1470.00b±13.32 |
1421.00b±59.15 |
1228.00c±26.15 |
<0.001 |
Dressing % |
59.87±7.30 |
56.04±6.36 |
57.41±8.89 |
57.45±6.82 |
0.065 |
Thigh wt (g) |
144.67±26.77 |
105.67±2.33 |
91.00±6.08 |
90.67±2.91 |
0.075 |
Drumstic wt (g) |
128.00a±7.57 |
108.00b±6.43 |
98.00b±4.62 |
96.00b±2.31 |
0.013 |
Wings wt (g) |
82.67a±4.37 |
73.00a±1.53 |
76.67a±3.33 |
62.00b±3.06 |
0.012 |
Breast wt (g) |
708.00a±21.20 |
593.33b±9.61 |
612.67b±20.08 |
511.33c±16.59 |
<0.001 |
Shank wt (g) |
118.67a±4.81 |
100.67ab±13.48 |
93.00ab±4.93 |
80.67b±4.06 |
0.048 |
Head wt (g) |
56.67a±0.67 |
47.67b±1.45 |
47.33b±1.76 |
40.00c±2.00 |
0.001 |
Neck wt (g) |
60.67±7.06 |
56.67±0.67 |
47.67±7.22 |
44.67±0.67 |
0.167 |
Organ Weight |
Liver wt (g) |
70.67±7.69 |
76.00±4.00 |
58.00±6.43 |
54.00±3.46 |
0.076 |
Heart wt (g) |
12.00±0.00 |
12.50±1.76 |
10.00±2.31 |
8.00±0.00 |
0.191 |
Spleen wt (g) |
2.57±0.72 |
3.60±0.67 |
2.17±0.12 |
1.83±0.17 |
0.150 |
Gizzard wt (g) |
34.67±4.67 |
30.67±3.53 |
37.67±1.45 |
26.67±1.76 |
0.151 |
Lungs wt (g) |
13.00±3.00 |
12.33±1.67 |
11.00±1.00 |
15.00±1.53 |
0.560 |
Bursa wt (g) |
1.53±0.17 |
1.40±0.15 |
1.30±0.25 |
1.40±0.20 |
0.868 |
Thymus wt (g) |
10.33±0.33 |
7.17±0.73 |
7.33±0.67 |
7.40±1.40 |
0.093 |
One-way ANOVA with Duncan multiple range test (DMRT); abcSuperscripts indicate significant variation among the group. Significance level p<0.05