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Table 8. Economic benefits from early diagnosis and treatment of SCM in cows.

Types of Breeds

Production loss/Cow/Lactation (TK) during undetected and untreated (X)

Grand total Expenditure/Cow during Detected and Treated (Y)

Benefits from each cow per lactation (Z = X - Y)


44893.6 ($ 382.045)

6074.8 ($ 51.697)

38818.8 ($ 330.348)

Holstein Friesian

121754.1 ($ 1036.127)

10386.6 ($ 88.389)

111367.5 ($947.737)


6281.7 ($ 53.457)

2964.1 ($ 25.224)

3317.6 ($28.233)

Conversion rate: 1 TK = 0.00851 USD (Conversion based on 24 August 2024)